22 Jun

England and Wales club cricket is set to return next month if as expected the required social-distancing measure is reduced from two metres to one metre this week.

A number of county leagues have written to their clubs informing them that they should make plans for adult and junior matches to restart from the middle of July, with some restrictions in place.

Clubs are at present in phase three of England and Wales Cricket Board’s five stage roadmap for the resumption of cricket which allows for small group training. Phase five is full matches with no restrictions, but it is hoped to move to phase four, adapted matchplay, within weeks. A relaxation of the two-metre rule would resolve a number of logistical issues, allowing for the wicketkeeper to stand up to the stumps and for bowlers to run past the umpire at the non-striker’s end.

Several leagues are now making preparations to have a reduced season from mid-July through to early September. The Middlesex League has drawn up plans for 1st and 2nd XI leagues to potentially restart on July 18 or 25 and they have been told to have their grounds “ready to play” by July 11.

Clubs should also be able to operate the bars in their clubhouses using the same guidelines as pubs, with drinks consumed outside.

John Stephenson


#CountyCricket #ECB

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