20 May

The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) have announced they will pay regional retainers for a number of domestic players to support women’s cricket. It means 24 domestic players will be recruited across the eight regions on a retainer that starts on June 1. Players will be required to adhere to physical conditioning programmes as well as undertaking online modules including anti-doping education. They will also be expected to take time to give back for the ’good of the game” in making public appearances and partaking in activities in the community. Managing Director of Women's Cricket, Clare Connor was adamant that the retainers were a sign that the board are still fully in support of growing the women’s game despite the current situation. She said: "The momentum behind the women’s game has been staggering in the last few years and it is still firmly our ambition to build on that. “As we emerge from this pandemic, we believe even more strongly that cricket will be a sport that throws its arms around everyone – truly inclusive, diverse and a sport for modern Britain to be proud of.”

Brian Sturgess


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