21 Sep

The £52m redevelopment of Lord’s Cricket Ground is expected to be finished by May 2021 despite the coronavirus pandemic. The construction of the Compton and Edrich stands at the nursery end started one year ago will increase the ground’s capacity by 2,600 up to 31,600. The new three-tiered stands at the St John’s Wood stadium, owned by Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), will include two restaurants and 12 food and drink units. The next phase of the redevelopment starts this month, including the installation of a canopy roof and an elevated walkway at the back of the stands which gives “impressive” views over the ground. MCC’s assistant secretary Robert Ebdon said: “We recognised the world-class design of the new stands at the start of the project back in 2018.” As part of the works, 7,000m³ of material has been excavated from the site to demolish the old stands and 2,000 tonnes of steel has been installed. The majority of the 11,600 seats fitted have been re-used from the previous stands to reduce waste.

Brian Sturgess


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