02 Feb

A request for proposals for sports presentation services has been issued for next year’s ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup, which will be staged across New Zealand. 

The International Council issued the RFP on 01 February. The tournament will be hosted across six venues from March 4 to April 3, 2022. 

In going to market for proposals, the ICC said that the event requires a sports presentation services supplier who will be responsible for “producing and providing an innovative creative proposal, high-quality integrated programme, management, and implementation throughout the tournament”. 

The ICC said: “This RFP is intended to attract responses from companies with extensive experience in providing similar services, and with the capability to deliver to a world-class standard. Following the RFP process, companies will be notified if their submission was successful.” 

Responses to the RFP must be emailed to the ICC (wcwc22.sportainment@icc-cricket.com) by March 5. 

The 2022 tournament will be staged on New Zealand’s North and South Islands, with matches to be placed in Christchurch, Auckland, Mount Maunganui, Hamilton, Wellington and Dunedin. 

John Stephenson 


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